Become Involved with ZVMS
Are you interested in . . .
- Policy?
- Community and Public Health?
- Professional Collaboration?
- Shaping ZVMS?
Serve on ZVMS’ Legislative Committee
Serve as a ZVMS appointee to the Policy Council of the Minnesota Medical Association (MMA)
Join MMA’s Day at the Capitol to advocate for your profession and patients
Participate in efforts to address racism as a public health issue
Propose a policy at the local level
Propose a policy at the statewide level
Become involved in Street Medicine
Become involved in efforts to address racism as a public health issue
Serve on ZVMS’ Eco-Public Health Committee
Participate in a ZVMS community conversation
Propose a lunchtime training
Attend the MMA annual conference (September)
Attend the ZVMS annual meeting (January)
Serve on ZVMS’ Executive Committee
Serve as an officer
Create ways to engage members using social media and networking with colleagues
Are you interested in . . .
- Policy?
- Community and Public Health?
- Professional Collaboration?
- Shaping ZVMS?
Serve on ZVMS’ Legislative Committee
Serve as a ZVMS appointee to the Policy Council of the Minnesota Medical Association (MMA)
Join MMA’s Day at the Capitol to advocate for your profession and patients
Participate in efforts to address racism as a public health issue
Propose a policy at the local level
Propose a policy at the statewide level
Become involved in efforts to address racism as a public health issue
Serve on ZVMS’ Eco-Public Health Committee
Participate in a ZVMS community conversation
Propose a lunchtime training
Attend Bounce Day, a community disaster preparedness simulation
Attend the MMA annual conference (September)
Attend the ZVMS annual meeting (January)
Serve on ZVMS’ Executive Committee
Serve as an officer
Create ways to engage members using social media and networking with colleagues