ZVMS declares racism a public health issue

The Zumbro Valley Medical Society (ZVMS) joins other medical organizations in declaring racism a public health issue. We will work with community groups, local representatives, and other stakeholders to create and implement active steps towards addressing structural racism and its impact on health.

As physicians and physicians in training, ZVMS members appreciate the opportunity to deliver health care services to our patients; however, we also recognize the need to confront the social, economic, and political issues that negatively impact our patients. We see firsthand the consequences of structural racism, whether they be from a lack of affordable housing, food insecurity, limited educational opportunities, inadequate public transportation or a living wage, or exposure to environmental toxins and police brutality. A July 1, 2020 statistic provides an alarming example of the consequences of structural inequities: Black residents of Olmsted County accounted for 38% of the confirmed COVID-19 cases, yet they make up only 7% of Olmsted’s population.